Centro de Vida Silvestre del Sur de Florida

Corporate Sponsorship

Join the growing group of individuals and corporate sponsors who support our mission of saving injured and orphaned wildlife.

As a supporter of the South Florida Wildlife Center, your sponsorship will provide crucial, lifesaving support to South Florida’s native animals. Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate sick and injured wildlife for release and educate the community about our wild neighbors. For more than 54 years, we have been a critical community resource for wildlife and the citizens of South Florida by treating over 6.5 million total patients.

We do not receive financial support from the state or local government agencies. This lifesaving work is only possible with the generosity of people and organizations like you! We are grateful for your compassion for wildlife and your partnership.

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors!

We could not express enough gratitude for your generosity! Your corporate sponsorship and partnership with SFWC has been an incredible benefit to our organization, and we are so grateful for your kindness. Our appreciation is immeasurable for your trust in us and contribution to our mission!

$1,000 Virginia Opossum Sponsor

Riverland Apartments
