South Floridaās wildlife is being displaced by a growing population and encroaching development, which results in sick, injured, and orphaned animals coming to our hospital in terrible distress.
We save wildlife through trained volunteers and staff who can rescue out in the community, clinic triage during admission, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and expert veterinary treatment.
Our hospital is overseen by our Medical Director and consists of 2 full-time veterinarians, 3 veterinary assistants, rotational relief veterinarians, veterinary externs, wildlife hospital externs, rotational interns and clinic Volunteers.
Saving the life of an animal begins the rehabilitation process for injured and orphaned wildlife. Our staff provides specialized therapy and treatment to support an animalās full recovery in preparation for release back to its natural habitat.
Our nursery team provides neonatal-like care for orphaned animals, and our habitats are designed to facilitate conditioning so that upon release, our wildlife patients leave in the healthiest condition possible.
Nuestro objetivo es liberar a los animales salvajes rehabilitados a sus hĆ”bitats naturales. SFWC se compromete a hacer lo correcto para cada animal individual que ingrese a nuestro hospital. Nuestro trabajo de liberaciĆ³n incluye volver a anidar a las crĆas con sus padres y facilitar las liberaciones en casa de los animales una vez que se hayan recuperado por completo de sus heridas.
Ninety percent of the animals who come into our center suffer from injuries that are the result of negative interactions with people. We work to educate the community about wildlife and how each of us can peacefully co-exist with our wild neighbors. In addition, SFWC is a teaching hospital that provides an intern/extern program for veterinary students, future rehabilitators, and others looking to pursue a career in any of the life sciences.
On average, our wildlife hospital sees 10,000 patients per year ranging from over 250 different species and accepts both native and non-native wildlife. The SFWC provides quality, professional care to sick and injured native and non-native birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians from throughout the tri-county area. From impact injuries, abandonment to animal attacks, the cases we receive at the Center are extremely diverse. Each patient receives care based on their individual recovery treatment programs for a few days, weeks, or up to several months. This involves several hours a day for feeding, medical care, caging development, exercise, and behavior monitoring and enhancement.
Tenemos un proceso de admisiĆ³n estĆ”ndar para cada paciente, que incluye un examen completo con radiografĆas y anĆ”lisis de laboratorio si es necesario. Una vez finalizado, determinamos la adecuada fluidoterapia y soporte nutricional del animal, asĆ como cualquier tratamiento o seguimiento mĆ©dico que pueda ser necesario. Dependiendo de la condiciĆ³n del paciente, una vez que se complete el proceso de admisiĆ³n, irĆ” a nuestra unidad de cuidados intensivos de la ClĆnica, a la unidad de apoyo de Wildlife Ward o a nuestros hĆ”bitats especializados. Supervisamos de cerca a todos los pacientes en rehabilitaciĆ³n a medida que se recuperan y brindamos atenciĆ³n y controles continuos segĆŗn sea necesario. El plan de rehabilitaciĆ³n de cada paciente se basa en la historia natural de la especie y los criterios de liberaciĆ³n se basan en las habilidades que necesitarĆ” el animal para sobrevivir en la naturaleza. El paciente es dado de alta una vez que cumple con todos nuestros criterios de salud y comportamiento, y sus buscadores son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros.