Our Wildlife Education Ambassador team consists of reptiles, mammals, and birds that all help to enrich our environmental educational experiences. They create memorable and valuable interactions by providing hands-on learning opportunities to inspire further curiosity about the natural world.
The animals at SFWC could not survive in the wild, so the Center is their forever home. Given the highest standards of care and training, they are comfortable and confident educators. Visitors can learn what a snake feels like, how a turtle eats, and why omnivores like Opossums are essential in the wild. Our Animal Ambassadors help teach about why protecting habitats or landscaping with native plants helps to protect nature and wildlife.
The Animal Ambassadors at SFWC assist us in fulfilling our mission to educate the public about environmental issues and foster a peaceful co-existence with wildlife in our local communities.
Desde 1969, el South Florida Wildlife Center ha tratado y rehabilitado a miles de animales silvestres heridos y huérfanos en el área de los tres condados. El Centro es el hospital de vida silvestre de mayor volumen en Florida, y admite entre 10,000 y 12,000 animales cada año. Nuestra misión es rescatar, rehabilitar y liberar la vida silvestre huérfana y lesionada en el sur de Florida, y educar al público sobre los problemas de la vida silvestre y una coexistencia pacífica con nuestros vecinos salvajes.