SFWC is here to help. If you see any of the following on a wild animal you’ve just encountered, please give us a call at
(954) 524-4302 so we can best assist you.
You can leave the injured, orphaned or sick wild animal in one of our night cages so we can assess first thing the following morning, or you can keep the animal somewhere safe and contained in your home until you are able to bring it to us the following morning (recommended).
It is common to see wild baby animals outside during spring, as a new generation makes its way into the world. Wild baby animals might seem like they need our help, but unless the animal is truly orphaned, or injured, there is no need to intervene. Give us a call if you are unsure and we can help guide you.
The South Florida Wildlife Center is available to receive injured, orphaned, or sick wild animals Monday-Sunday from 9 AM to 5 PM. There are no admissions fees though donations are highly encouraged so we can continue our work.
Never handle an adult animal without first consulting a wildlife professional. Even small animals can injure you. Once you’ve contacted someone who can help, describe the animal and his physical condition as accurately as possible.